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All right, so the Democratic candidate for the most powerful position on earth gave a speech last night to the NAACP where he couldn’t say the name of the organization. In fairness to him, it is a whole five letters. But there he committed no less than nine errors that were later corrected by White House staffers, nine errors in a single speech. Hell, Fetterman didn’t make that many in a year after his brain blew up like an Iranian helicopter. What are you guys pro-Iran here? Oh. Too soon. You guys are mourning the Butcher of Baghdad. —- me.
So how do we know about these errors? They were corrected in plain view or else we likely, we wouldn’t have noticed. Which made me think when someone offers you something that you didn’t ask for like leaking both these errors in the corrections, you’ve got to ask yourself what’s really going on. Could it be that we’re seeing a shift, a realization, perhaps, that something’s up and it might be Joe’s number? Because something here smells fishier than Joy Behar’s nylons after a two mile walk in August. Let’s examine the evidence America. You laughed at it. Now, in case you missed it, his speech, if you missed his speech, don’t worry, if you did, because so did Joe. Here’s a few of the flubs the White House corrected.
PRESIDENT BIDEN, SUNDAY: And when I was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic… I’m humbled to receive this organization… It’ truly inspiresing… Saving millions of families, $800,000, $8,000 a year in premium… We’re cracking down on corporate landlords who keep rents down… The mortality rate for Black moms, who are nearly three times more likely to die… Donald Trump has said if he loses again in November, there will be, “bloodshed.” The NAAC Spirit endures.
What the hell? So among Biden’s gaffes was the claim that the NAAC spirit endures, not the NAACP, maybe he’s afraid if he says P he’ll actually do it. The NAAC is actually the National Academy of Ambulance Compliance, a number that I’m sure Jill has on her speed dial. Biden also claimed to have been VP during the pandemic. Joe, you missed it by about four years. And how could you do that and still pretend you were a professor and a truck driver? Has he bragged about winning an Oscar for Barbie yet? And he said he saved families $800,000 a year each in insurance premiums. If you do the math, he was off only by about $800,000. And then there was this one where he called the January 6th rioters erectionists.
PRESIDENT BIDEN, SUNDAY: False. The erectionists as who stormed Capitol Hill patriots.
Erectionists. Maybe he was thinking of his son. Remember, fellas, if you’re an erectionist for more than four hours, contact your doctor. Wasn’t just there that Joe was a mess? Here he is on Tuesday during a different speech.
PRESIDENT BIDEN, TUESDAY: Let me close with this. After I sign the packandelempackelike act into law.
You know, maybe you shouldn’t close with that. You know, if you’re going to sum something up, make sure it’s words. Then it gets really weird.
PRESIDENT BIDEN, TUESDAY: I say to every young man thinking of get married. Marry into a family of five or more daughters. I did, my wife is the oldest of five sisters. You know why? One of them will always love you. Not the same one.
Marry into a family with five daughters, what could be the reason? So you have a 20% chance during the week someone will bang you. Clearly he gave the same advice to Hunter. Who else looks at his brother’s widow and says: Hmhm, I’m going to hit that. You can’t even find stories like that in old Penthouse Forum, believe me, I looked. And, well, what was Hunter’s pickup line: You know, all this talk about the hereafter makes me wonder, are you here after? But it’s not like Joe suddenly got worse. He’s been this way for a while. There’s an old but awesome clip making the rounds again, with CBS’s Margaret Brennan asking whether a video of Biden is real or AI.
FACE THE NATION/CBS, JULY 2, 2023: Yeah, so here’s President Biden. All right, this one I’m going to ask you about.
FACE THE NATION/CBS, “POTENTIAL FAKE VIDEO”: You can’t be pro insurrection and pro cop. You can’t be pro insurrection and pro democracy. You can’t be pro insurrection and pro American. Donald Trump lacked the courage to act. The brave women and men in blue all across this nation should never forget that.
FACE THE NATION/CBS, JULY 2, 2023: So what did you think of this one?
FACE THE NATION/CBS, JULY 2, 2023: He didn’t blink.
FACE THE NATION/CBS, JULY 2, 2023: Not at all, right?
FACE THE NATION/CBS, JULY 2, 2023: So that suggests it’s fake.
FACE THE NATION/CBS, JULY 2, 2023: This one’s actually real.
Yeah, it’s it’s actually real. It’s as if they’ve never seen a creature having a staring contest with death. That’s going to give me nightmares. I hope my screams won’t wake Kudlow. So what’s really going on? Aside from watching the leader of the free world turn into a wax museum, dummy, this might be a clue. In April, Donald Trump beat Biden for the first time in fundraising. And there are reasons for this among them, of course, the Alvin Bragg trial, which the public knows is about as legit as a Lia Thomas swim trophy. But as the polls shift to Trump and Biden continues to ossify, don’t you get this sneaking suspicion we’re not the only ones noticing.
MSNBC, MONDAY: And the age issue is is suffocating him, and he needs to bring up that he’s only four years older than Trump… He’s got to turn that around and need to quit arguing and complaining about the Times covering his age, or the polling is no good, that’s a waste of time. Don’t do that.
He gets like that until you feed him mice. I love that he says it’s the age issue that’s suffocating him. Not his actual age. Dude, life is suffocating him. He has a harder time breathing than Alvin Bragg carrying a pizza up a flight of stairs. So maybe there’s a reason Dem staffers are suddenly pointing out that their candidate is done, that it’s time to gently shuffle him off the stage, because why else would Dem staffers issue nine corrections that nobody asked for? Maybe because the NAACP speech was followed the next day by this.
PRESIDENT BIDEN, MONDAY: My administration is working around the clock to free the remaining hostages, just as we have freed hostages already. And here today is Hersh Goldberg-Polin and there’s still, he is not here with us, but he’s still being held by Hamas.
What? Yeah. The guy he was talking about, Joe thought was in the crowd at the Rose garden, but he’s a hostage in Gaza? So what does it take to get the Dems and the media to do the right thing? Let’s ask Joe himself.
TOM SHILLUE AS JOE BIDEN: No no no. Come on, man, I knew that guy wasn’t there at the Olive garden. I mean, I just wanted him there in spirit. You know, sometimes if somebody can’t be there, you say they’re there in spirit, right? I talk to spirits all the time. Like, the ghosts in the old days. Corn Bob. I mean, he might not be there, but he’s there in spirit, right? I mean, I, I got visited last Christmas Eve by three spirits. I woke up in the morning and there was a kid. I said, go get yourself a turkey, keep the change. That’s a true story. That’s no joke. I was in Arabia I got, I found a lamp and, gave it a rub and a spirit came out offering me three wishes. I didn’t have to think about it. I said daughters, daughters, daughters, just make sure one of them loves.
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